Wednesday, August 3, 2016


Here are the portrait shots I got. I didn't want them all to be of the face, which you typically think of for a portrait shot. I really wanted to focus on the things my brother does with his time and that I think of when I think of him. The first is him with one of his birdhouses- he probably has 20+ that he's all hand painted. The second is of my brother in the front yard- one challenge I had was getting him to act normal- as soon as he knows he's in front of a camera it's instant awkward, so I just kept talking to him and pretended I wasn't taking any shots yet. The third is him holding (kind of framing) a sunflower. When I went outside he was actually watering these flowers, so it was perfect. A challenge was giving directions and capturing at the perfect moment to get a natural looking shot rather than a forced still shot.  


  1. I like how you chose to do some that were just of his hands. The sunflower image is really good.

  2. I really like the light in these photos. Its bight and the colors are vibrant. I like how two of your photos are of objects, rather than people.

  3. These are great!! Looks like it was a beautiful day outside. You really captured happiness in his face and showed him interacting with the objects. Great job!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I love that you did something other than just the normal person portrait. These are great! Lots of color! (sorry I didn't realize that my daughter Aliza was signed into her gmail until I posted)

  6. you have done a wonderful job with these shots. Part of the challenge of making portraits is to make the subject feel comfortable. You have definitely done well with this. The lighting you found for your brother is absolutely perfect. You have great back light and there is something providing light from behind you on the left that is filling in what normally would've been shadow on his face. If you attempt this again, I would recommend moving in a little closer. Do multiple portrait sessions with him to get them to feel comfortable in front of the camera. Then, take these other wonderful shots and put them all together into a collage or one of those photo frames that allows you to put multiple photographs together. I really like your idea of including the interests of the subject to help round out the portrait and who they are. Keep up the great work!
